Thursday, March 3, 2011

Better Than SANTA Cupcakes

I originally saw this idea at the Cocoa Bean in Idaho Falls. I LOVE Better Than Santa Cake.(THats what we call it these days since there are little ears!) It really is probably one of my all time favorites. Something with the carmel in the chocolate cake making it so ooey and mouth is salivating!!! So I Loved the idea of a cupcake....more ooey and gooey.

The cupcakes before the whipped topping.

What I did:
~ Made a box chocolate cake and made them into cupcakes. (I used applesauce instead of oil. THey trade straight across.)
~ Put store bought carmel into a pipeing bag. ( I have a tip that you use to inject things in.) You could also just poke the cupcakes with a toothpicka and put the carmel on it and it will melt down into the cake.
~ I whipped my own cream.....I have never done that before and thought it would add something special to it and boy did it! THen I put it in a pipeing bag and piped it onto the cupcakes.
~ Instead of skore bits, I used chopped up snickers. Jake had been wanting me to try that. I liked it just as well as the skore bits.
~ I kind of drizzled carmel over the top just to make it look pretty!

These are a must must must try! I made myself sick eating so many!

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